PSP Audioware McQ

PSP Audioware McQ

PSP Audioware McQ


PSP McQ is a versatile equalizer plug-in that captures the essence and character of classic console EQs, enhanced with modern features for detailed sound shaping.

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Experience the Classic Sound with PSP McQ

Introducing the PSP McQ, an equalizer that encapsulates the iconic sound and functionality of classic console equalizers. Drawing inspiration from renowned MCI console EQs, the PSP McQ offers a blend of vintage warmth with the precision of modern technology.

Blend of Classic and Modern

While the PSP McQ pays homage to analog classics, it doesn't shy away from modern enhancements. It boasts adjustable high pass and low pass filters, resonance controls for shelving filters, and optional bell filters for the high and low bands. Additionally, it offers three nominal Q values for the midrange filters, ensuring you have all the tools you need for precise sound sculpting.

Musical Features for Detailed Sound Shaping

The PSP McQ is not just another EQ. It's designed with musicality in mind. The midrange bell type filters come with gain following Q factors, making it perfect for deep track tweaking. Whether you're aiming to achieve a specific sound for a track or looking for impeccable track separation in a mix, PSP McQ has got you covered.

Unique Saturation for Smooth Overdrive

One of the standout features of the PSP McQ is its second-generation SAT(uration) option. Positioned after the output level control, this feature not only protects against digital clipping but also imparts a smooth, overdriven character to signals that are hard-driven. The result? A sound that's both protective and harmonically rich.

Specifications at a Glance

Designed to be compatible with a range of systems, the PSP McQ supports both MAC and WINDOWS platforms. Whether you're working with VST-2, AU, AAX, or RTAS plugins, the PSP McQ seamlessly integrates into your workflow.


For those who cherish the warmth of vintage console EQs but crave the precision of modern technology, the PSP McQ is the perfect solution. Its blend of classic and contemporary features ensures that you get the best of both worlds.

  • Adjustable high pass and low pass filters for precise frequency control.
  • Resonance controls for the shelving filters, allowing for sharper or smoother transitions.
  • Optional bell filters for the high and low bands, offering added flexibility.
  • Three nominal Q values for the midrange filters, catering to a range of sound shaping needs.
  • Unique second-generation SAT(uration) option for a harmonically rich sound.

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