Minimoog_Model_D_A_webIt's happened! First shown at Moogfest 2016, Moog have now announced that they are doing a full production run of their legendary Model D.

Why the big deal? Well, this keyboard was one of the first synths to be built in the familiar keyboard form that we're used to these days. Prior to this, most 1970s synths were all huge modular affairs that were neither user friendly nor cheap. The Minimoog condensed all the learning from these monsters into a far more convenient package. The Model D has shaped music since its original release 40 years ago,

As ever, Moog's attention to detail is extraordinary. The reissue has had Moog working with chip makers to remanufacture old components to the original 1970s specification in order to recreate the classic sound. Not totally stuck in the past, they've improved the usability of it by adding an LFO- on the original, you'd lose the third oscillator to add modulations.

Moog are hoping to get them to our shores around September and they'll be around £3249. We're taking pre-orders now on them if you want to get in the queue!

Full Model D info for more information and ordering.

In the meantime, here are some pictures courtesy of Source Distribution who attended Moogfest this year.